Allowed file exclusion masks

Let’s take a look at some examples of allowed masks that you can use when creating file exclusion lists:

  1. Masks without file paths:
    • *.exe – all files with the .exe extension;
    • *.ex? – all files with the .ex? extension where ? can represent any single character;
    • *test* – all files with the name test.
  2. Masks with absolute file paths:
    • /discs/C:/dir/*.*, or /discs/C:/dir/*, or /discs/C:/dir/ – all files in the folder with the name /discs/C:/dir/;
    • /discs/C:/dir/*.exe – all files with the .exe extension in the folder with the name /discs/C:/dir/;
    • /discs/C:/dir/*.ex? – all files with the .ex? extension in the /discs/C:/dir/ folder where ? may represent any single character;
    • /discs/C:/dir/test* – files in /discs/C:/dir/ folder, with names starting with test.

      If you want the application to exclude files in all nested subfolders of the specified folder from a scan, check the Rescue Disk mark fs Allowed file exclusion masks Include subfolders box when creating the mask.

  3. File path masks:
    • dir/*.*, or dir/*, or dir/ – all files in all folders with dir/;
    • dir/*test* – all test files in folders with dir/;
    • dir/*.exe – all files with the .exe extension in all folders with dir/;
    • dir/*.ex? – all files with the .ex? extension in all dir/ folders where ? may represent any single character.

      If you want the application to exclude files in all nested subfolders of the specified folder from a scan, check the Rescue Disk mark fs Allowed file exclusion masks Include subfolders box when creating the mask.

*.* and * exclusion masks can only be used if you assign an excluded threat verdict. In this case the specified threat will not be detected in any objects. Using these masks without selecting a verdict essentially disables monitoring.

Allowed file exclusion masks