About reports

All object scans and updates are logged in a report. It displays the number of dangerous and suspicious objects detected by the application in the specified period.

While working with reports you can perform the following actions:

  • Select a task you want to view event report of.
  • Manage data group.

    You can manage the data group represented in the report. The information can be grouped by a number of attributes.

  • Select the event type for which the report should be generated.

    A full list of important events that occur when running the scan task or updating the databases, is displayed in the report. You can select which type of events will be recorded in the report.

  • Manage data displayed on the screen.

    Events included in the report will be displayed as a table. You can create a dataset to filter the information, by specifying a restricting condition.

  • Select how the statistical information will be displayed on the screen.

    In the bottom part of the window the Kaspersky Rescue Disk tasks statistics is displayed.

  • Save the report in a file.
  • Specify complex filtering conditions.

    You can specify data search criteria for any table column. A data query using a complex filter is based on the logical conjunction (Logical And) function and disjunction (Logical Or) function which can be used to control the query.

  • Search for events which occurred in the system and were processed by the application.

The objects scan and update operation is logged in the statistics section. You can review the extended statistics in graphic form or in table view (depending on the task). The extended statistics is selected using the Rescue Disk button1 About reports button in the top part of the window. Here you can check how many hazardous and suspicious objects have been detected by the application, and which ones were disinfected, deleted or quarantined.

See also:

Reports and storages

About reports