Kaspersky Rescue Disk update

The syntax for updating the databases and modules of Kaspersky Rescue Disk from the command line is as follows:

UPDATE [<update_source>] [-R[A]:<report_file>]

Disk names must be specified in upper-case, for example C:/file.txt, where C – is the disk name.

Settings description:


The name of a HTTP or FTP server or network folder for downloading updates. The value for the parameter may be in the form of a full path to an update source or a URL. If a path is not selected, the update source will be taken from the update settings.


-R:<report_file> – log only important events in the report.

-RA:<report_file> – log all events in the report.

You can use an absolute path to the file. If the setting is not defined, the scan results are displayed on screen and all events are displayed.


Update databases and record all events in a report:

UPDATE -RA:C:/avbases_upd.txt

Kaspersky Rescue Disk update